Wednesday, February 1, 2012

food, glorious food...

The list is short and definitely not sweet. You will not find cupcakes, granola bars (apart from the occasional protein bar that I introduced later on into my transition), or even apples on this list. I watch my sodium BIG time and a close second is sugar. My carbs consumed are only complex ones and even that list is small.

Again, I am not a skilled or certified nutritionist. This is just what worked for me. I came to my own conclusion that gluten is not my friend. It was the breads, the pastas, and crackers that kept the weight dangling from my body. There are a few exceptions to my rule, of course, but for the most part I had to kick gluten-packed foods. Here is my list.

Proteins (I serving size):
Egg Whites 4-5 per serving
Chicken Breast 4-5oz
Turkey Breast  4-5 oz
Tuna Fish (LOW SODIUM) 4-5 oz (keep in mind, most cans list a 2 serving recommendation)
Fresh Fish 5-6 oz
Red Meat 4-5oz
Ground Meat: 4-5oz (always as LEAN as possible!)

Carbs (I serving size):
White Potato 4oz
Sweet Potato 5oz
Rice (brown or white) (cooked) ½-3/4 cup
Oatmeal (dry weight) ½ cup
Cream of White (PLAIN) 1-2oz
Cream of Rice 1-2oz

All fresh green veggies may be added to any/all meals. Avoid canned and frozen veggies due to excessive sodium content. Although now it’s pretty easy to find veggies that have been flash-frozen and contain no sodium.

During breakfast only. Initially fruits should be limited to 1 cup of either strawberries or cantaloupe due to high sugar contents. Avoid canned fruit…too much sodium and syrup.

Water, low-cal Powdered Beverage Mix (absorbs as water does), decaffeinated tea/coffee*, limited non-fat milk (morning only), and no-salt seltzer.

*I’m going to be honest. I NEVER gave up coffee. I couldn’t deprive myself of everything that I love. And besides, I only have about 2 cups anyways.

Olive of Canola Oil (I like Safflower in my stir-fry)
Balsamic Vinegar
White Wine/Rice Vinegar
Red Wine Vinegar
Lemon Juice
No-Salt Ketchup (it’s actually pretty good!)
Low Sodium Salsa (less than 100mg – delicious on rice & ground turkey!)
Sugar-Free Maple Syrup (goes great with Cream of Wheat!)
Any Salt Free Herbs/Spices**

**I will soon take inventory of my 3-tier Lazy Susan spice pantry and make suggestions. I am certain I have the best spice recommendations pretty much EVER. I will later discuss my three favorite places to get these spices!

No-No List (it’s longer than the All-Systems-Go list):
Fried Foods (duh, right?)
Dairy Products (except for non-fat milk)
Deli Meats
Fruit Juices
Fruit (except strawberries & cantaloupe)
Canned Fruit
Canned/Frozen Veggies
Avocados (high fat content)
Corn or Peas (too starchy and no nutritional value anyways…)
Limit Tomatoes and Carrots – high in sugar
Salty Sauces/Dressings
Sports Drinks
Alcohol (riiiiigggght…)
Processed Foods (another obvi, but they are high in sodium and degraded protein/carb values)
Ephedra, Ephedrine, Maun Huang, Caffeine, Green Tea, or any other stumlant based products.

I also added almonds, and a teaspoon of hummus (lowest sodium I could find) to various veggies for snacks. My list has had a few things re/introduced to it these days. In moderation I eat small(er than the recommended) servings for 0% Greek Yogurt with a handful of blueberries and every now and again, sprinkles of gluten-free granola. I eat a few bananas a week and I do eat various protein bars a few times a week for my 4:30 snack at the end of my work day before heading to the gym. And once again, hello to avocados. Again, in moderation.

For the first year I did this pretty much exactly how it’s listed. I cheated once or twice – around month five or six. I was very serious and very committed to my change. The first week I started this, I drank an entire gallon of water a day to flush my system. Sure, I waddled around like a bloated pig and had to pee every eight minutes, but in the first 14 days I lost 12 pounds. Then I believe the next few weeks were at around three pounds per week and then tapered off to two, and then down to a pound a week for the last couple of weeks until my body hit plateaus that I had to push through.

Any questions? Ask away!
Happy Wednesday :)


  1. Question: Maybe I missed it but I don't see any beans on either the yes or no list. I hardly eat meat so I like to add beans to salads and brown rice w/veggies for more protein. Thanks!

    1. You're right...I didn't post anything about beans! It wasn't on the original list that was provided to me so I forgot to add them. My guess is, because of the high sodium content they aren't listed. However, obviously if you soak your own you don't have to worry about it (or give your canned ones a really good rinse)! I believe as long as you don't mix beans with any of the other carbs, you should be ok to go. For instance, if you mixed a recommended serving of beans (approx. 1/2 cup) with a serving of brown rice (3/4 cup), you would be eating around'ish 50g carbs. That's in addition to any other carbs you may be eating in your other foods. Carbs isn't my #1 thing I look out for, but it may be yours(?) I still like to stay conscious of them because too many of them make me feel WAY too full ;)

  2. Okay, BIG question - I know you were pretty darn motivated when you got going, but the hardest part for me is actually following a "diet" (or what I know I should be eating). I know what I SHOULDN'T be eating, of course... but sometimes the siren call of the french fries is nearly impossible to resist. How did you handle cravings, especially when you were starting out? How did you manage to make it feel like you weren't constantly depriving yourself? And can you tell from my questions I've tried to make drastic changes before to my diet with varying levels of success? :)
